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Wedding – Flash or Natural Light?

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Wedding – Flash or Natural Light?

  • johnnycorcoran

    How many of you prefer to use a Flash during an indoor wedding or using the Natural Light and Why.

    If you prefer Natural Light could you give any advice or tips!

    I prefer no flash during the ceremony as I find with flash the natural light if blown out. Candles give a fantastic romantic light and it just isnt there with flash. However if the venue is dark as some churches are you may be left with little choice but to use some flash, i.e. December wedding in large badly lit church.


    Actually during the service, Flash is rarely allowed. Otherwise, I use flash to “balance” the light. You don’t get a second chance at most shots, so getting the shot is the key element. As long as the flash is subtle, they look pretty natural anyway. I always visit the venues beforehand and scope for good spots that would work with naturallight (overhanging trees etc). Natural light can look great in B&W shots where you cam allow the highlights to go over the top of the exposure. Check out Jeff Ascough’s wedding shots.



    99% no flash all day. The trick is knowing when to use it. “December wedding in large badly lit church” = use a faster lens and up the asa to 1600 if necessary. Sometimes you get lucky…I got my nicest ceremony shot on 2nd January…helped by 2 guest flashes from behind and the side!

    Bartek Witek

    I would prefer to do not use the flash at all. The cameras will be easier to carry, less heavy.
    Using will be more comfortable, but in some churches even 1.2 or 1.4 lenses are not enough.
    And in some situations I am using the flash to balance the light.
    I am not using the flash during the ceremony if it is possible.
    Most of the time only during the entrance and going out.
    You have to find your own way.

    Good luck with that.


    After a recent wedding in a very badly lit church, I used a mix of flash and no flash with 1600 iso. I got acceptable results with the flash but even better more natural shot with no flash. So I would say no flash. But all depends on the equipment you have. If you have a 70-200 F2.8 IS and a mono pod you should be able to get good quality shots in even the most challanging churches.


    Based on my little experience I would say natural light for most of the ceremony and flash for the crucial parts of the ceremony. As someone mentioned here you cannot afford to miss these moments. I use flash mostly outside as a fill light.


    Guys, what about shadows under eyes and nose?
    When you use no flash, you can’t avoid that no matter what lens you have.


    Shadows under eyes and nose are not genrally a problem inside, as the light is usally even enough so you can get away without flash. the reason for the 2.8 lens is because it will give you faster shutter speeds. there are also drop off issues with flash that you don’t have with ambient light.


    In old churches the light is rarely even, and this is where you tend to get the shadows under the eyes & nose…usually coming from the B&G sitting right under a spot light. Depending on light conditions you can usually overexpose a little (not too much or the dress gets blown out). Fill in a little more using PS. Crucial parts of the ceremony are even easier to capture without flash…as you’re not waiting for it to recycle!

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