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Whats wrong with this

  • markst33

    This is Jim. A guy I met whilst out looking for things to take photos of at lunchtime from work. Former soldier too. Real character in his face. I started talking to him and asked him if he minded me taking a couple of shots of him. I took a few and he started to get quite emotional talking about his experiences in the Congo I think it was.

    However although he had a great face, I don’t think I have done this justice but I can’t put my finger on what is wrong with this shot. The only think I can think of is that it was a very bright midday sun and I shot this in the shade so maybe its a bit flat because of that.

    Opinions, critiques and suggestion welcome.


    maybe lighten it up a bit


    It looks back lit, I see a catch light. Maybe you could have used a bit more fill flash.

    I have zero idea how you might change it in post.

    Great face.


    Just looks a bit flat (on my screen at least) so did a few quick adjustments to it in PS and one thing that seemed to work was a little bit of Dodge and Burn.
    Looks like there are a few rough stories on that face alright though – nice capture!


    from what i can see, and its a lovely portrait by the way. theres only one problem with it, and its in the eyes. they seem to be lost due to the lighting, lack of definable catchlights as was already mentioned.

    i think the b&w conversion is spot on, wouldnt shange a thing. maybe just use the dodge tool to bring up some detail in the eyes if at all possible?

    other than that, there is nothing wrong with this shot.


    Hi Mark,

    There is indeed great character and a lot of life in that face.
    I too think it’s a very good study.

    I did think that the eye area was a bit dark.
    You could try a bit of work around that area, maybe the Dodge tool.

    I know the eyes are the most important area to have in focus but I did notice
    that the tip of the nose was OOF which can easily happen with a wide aperture.
    There’s nothing you can do about that now but it could be an issue if it was printed large.

    These are only my opinions and observations.
    I think it is a fine image.




    Love this Mark, what a face well captured.
    Indeed its a bit flat. I took a copy of the photo and in levels, if you move the right hand slide in a bit to say 238 and the centre slide to 1.42 (on the jpg anyhow), it lifts the photo up a bit. You might find it a bit of an improvement…


    Cheers for the replies folks.

    Mark – I did what you said alright and you are right it lifts it a bit. Only thing is that it blows out the areas behind him. Might have to try and track him down next week and shoot him again. :)


    markst33 wrote:

    Cheers for the replies folks.

    Mark – I did what you said alright and you are right it lifts it a bit. Only thing is that it blows out the areas behind him. Might have to try and track him down next week and shoot him again. :)

    Hi Mark,

    Make a selection around the areas you want to lighten, feather the selection and then try
    the levels tool.

    Sorry if you know this already.




    Hi John,

    thanks for the tip. I am self taught in PS so I am always open to suggestions, tips and techniques :)



    g8r6ziwy by clami79, on Flickr

    not sure if this might be an improvement but was achieved using curves and masks


    just a bit of highlight and shadow in cs5 ,

    6962559299_8f559d39f7_z by macui1, on Flickr

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