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When It’s Spring Again…

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When It’s Spring Again…

  • wexkel11

    Before anyone say so I’m already looking for a choclate box to park it on. Mike


    Jez Kel, there’s no stoppin’ ya now. When the rest of us are scrapin the barrell, you have a full library.
    I like that Mike, it’s simple and effective


    Thanks Pat, I misread your comments at first and thought you said I was ‘simple and ineffective’. Might be near to the truth.
    Thought you were having a go at a poor old senior.
    Mike :D :D


    Just out of interest, where was this taken? Looks a bit like Holland hehe


    Hi Sander, You’re right Amsterdam. A young fella like you wouldn’t get the inference, the clue is in the title. It’s from an old song ” When it’s spring again I’ll bring again, tulips from Amsterdam”. There you go you’ve just exposed my age’ ‘old fart’ is a fair description.
    Amsterdam is a brilliant city for photography ( and other things??) :lol: :lol: Mike


    Amsterdam is a brilliant city for photography ( and other things??) Mike
    the ould dog for the hard road and all that …lol
    nice shot too it shouldnt work with all those cars and clutter but for some reason it does work well it does for me anyway..


    Hi Guys, I forgot to say I wasn’t water skiing when I took this shot. It was off the cuff, didn’t have a lot of time to wait for things to happen.


    Ah, you see, I am actually dutch so thats why it seemed so familiar, even though I’ve only been in Amsterdam twice hehe


    Hi Sander, Shame on you, lovely city. Good folk the Netherlanders, I had an aunt who was from the Netherlands, left during the war married my uncle came to Wexford to live. She was a nurse but could have been a photographic model. A lovely lady in every way.
    I looked at you profile to see your full name you should have called youself ‘Sander the Great’ :lol: :lol: Mike


    Haha maybe I should have :P There are so many places nicer than Amsterdam in my opinion. But then again, I’ve lived in Holland a long time so its not all that special to me. :)

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