I’ve recently dug out my old Pentax MZ50, my first slr, circa ’99 now that Ive sent my 5DMii off for a service. Anyway I discovered a half used roll of film still in it, which has sparked off an interest in film again.
This in turn led my wife to buy me a Reconditioned Yashica-Mat 124G for my birthday, super excited :D
So, back to my original question, is there a one stop shop for 120 and 35 film in cork?
I’ll be attempting my own developing once I get my head around it.
You could try O’Leary’s Camera World. I’ve bought film there in the past.
Anyhow, congrats on giving film a go again. I really enjoy it, while I still do digital there is something very
different about the film experience. Maybe its not knowing what I really got until I develop it or what.
Good to see you trying the film out again, hopefully you will get a few interesting shots out of it, and you’ll keep the camera in use after you get the digital back :)
Cheers NP got to keep on rolling.
Mark, Once I get myself up and running, you can be sure I’ll be calling for help :wink: I know what you mean not knowing, I can’t break the habit of looking at the back of the camera to see how the shot came out, even though I know its just a piece of black plastic :shock: