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Which Book Photoshop CS5

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Which Book Photoshop CS5

  • Hi everyone, long time no speak! Unfortunately through one thing or another I’ve barely touched my camera over the last year or so, but having completed a part time course at college that was sucking up a lot of my time I’m raring to get back out with the camera again.

    I decided to take advantage of being able to purchase software at student rates before my college course ended, so I’m now the proud owner of Photoshop CS5. Really wanting to learn my way around PS properly now, rather than stabbing in the dark like I was doing in the past. Has anyone any recommendations of a decent book on PS for photographers? The two that immediately came to attention were:

    The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers – Scott Kelby
    Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers – Martin Evening

    I know Scott Kelby and Martin Evening are two big names in the world of Adobe, but finding it hard to choose between the two. If anyone has any preference based on personal experience I’d be keen to hear.

    All the best, Jon


    i have a couple of these ones and find them very useful.



    Thats a good idea Phillip, video based tuition never even crossed my mind for some reason! Thanks for the link, will check it out :)


    I’ve bought books by both for previous Photoshop versions – so this is my opinion on them :

    Scott Kelby tends to be more task-oriented (i.e. how to do this in PS) and you will probably either love or hate his style of writing/sense of humour.

    Martin Evening is a bit more thorough and detailed – and I have now decided that I prefer his style.

    Thanks Frank. I had a quick look at the previews of each book on Amazon and I have to say the Scott Kelby style of writing didn’t appeal to me as much. Don’t get me wrong, his writing certainly came across as witty and entertaining, but I think with an instructional book I just want to get down to business :)

    Ordered the Martin Evening book, so will see how I get on with it for starters. At 700+ pages it should keep me busy for awhile ;)

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