I know this is where I’ll get the answer to this question, I’ve a trip planned for Kilmore Quay next weekend and I want to take some B&W film shots on the beach. The main type of image will be of water lapping around rocks with of course some sky in the image, has anyone advice out there on the colour filter I should use, I was thinking polariser and yellow because there may be sand in some of these shots, what advice is out there?
If you have a Yellow, Orange, Red and Polariser filter I would setup your camera on a Tripod and take a pictures using the four filters and one picture without any filter. Try the grads also… just experiment, don’t be afraid to sacrifice a role or two of film
Try this for a few compositions then dev you film, scan or contact print the role. Look at the pictures and try to see the difference the different filters have made. Decide for yourself which look you like the most…