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Which Wireless Router?

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Which Wireless Router?

  • Expresbro

    Okay Techie people…I need to buy a new Wireless router for home use. I currently use an older Lynksys model and it’s driving me crazy..dropping the signal constantly. I think the antenna may be damaged.

    Anyway’s..I’d like to buy a decent replacement..and as the router is in the back room downstairs and I use it most in the converted attic at the top of the house I need something that gives out a strong signal. We have another laptop, a PC and an XBox 360 running off the router wirelessly currently.

    I don’t mind spending more than the average PC world stocked router and I’d like something that had a built in Firewall.

    Any ideas/suggestions?




    Just in case all you techies are queuing up with suggestions…just to let you all know that a very kind soul has sorted me out on the router front…so I’m okay now :D


    Well do tell as others might be interested in the answer, I’m sure a lot people on here could do with better routers. I for one could sure do with one.



    Well, about six months ago I bought a Linksys WRT54GL and replaced the firmware with Tomato and all I can say is it’s an exercise that’s well worth doing!


    Thanks Thorston, that certainly look like a fine router. Just wondering did you buy on line or locally.



    As a bit of lateral thinking in these recessionary times, the Eircom broadband routers that are sold in PC World, and elsewhere I’m sure, are fine pieces of kit, and you don’t have to use them with Eircom. I bought one about a year ago for around the €20 mark, use it with BT, and rarely have problems with it. Very occasionally the wireless access point throws a hissy-fit, but flicking the switch on the back sets this right generally.



    Well is nice to have a bit of extra info anyway. Cheers lads.

    That Tomato thing sounds interesting. Might have a look at that anyway. They do one for all routers to I see.

    To be honest, all I want is a router that works without having to be rebooted every 15 minutes, as seems to be the case with my current one.

    If it sits in the corner of the room doing what it does without me ever having to think about it..I’m happy :D


    Get one of the Linksys pre/draft “N” type routers


    My experience with routers (as with all switches) is that they need to be rebooted ocasionaly and if you don’t do so as a matter of course, they will decide to behave like petulant children. I reboot mine automatically every night. Many people switch them off overnight.

    As concerns having to reboot every 15 minutes – my experience is that the circuitry/board has degraded (from leaving the router on all the time) and has become reliable. Replace it and live a happier life.

    The pre-N ones are great of your PC has the wireless card that can manage the extra speed (or if you buy an extra piece of kit to work with teh router). Otherwise you’ve got additional bandwidth that you can’t tap into. However, if you do make it work, it’s like moving from a mini to a ferrari.


    My Linksys has lasted around 2 years with only the occasional restart required. The previous two I had were only good for about 4 months apiece.

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