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Which would you prefer??

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Which would you prefer??

  • Mikeanywhere

    Not an easy decision, decide wisely :lol:


    I think I’d have the little expensive one-
    Not sure about your choice of backround colour though-
    and there doesn’t appear to be much sparkle in it either,
    for a sparkler-

    I don’t know, is the answer, though in any 50:50 choice, I’m bound to go for the wrong one-



    Hi J,

    Thanks for the feedback – background is a table hence why brown and I wasnt really trying to have the sparkler sparkling. However, I was trying to get the reflection of the emerald for effect more than anything as I thougt the colouring suited more. I tried putting a top light on but that made it worse by losing any colour. Hey, I only had the lens for 20 mins or so then, it gets better, honest guv :D :D


    I like the idea. The ring is very sharp and the rich purple colour is lovely.

    On the negative side: the brown background might have been nicer if it was pale; the 2 blown highlights detract a bit; the purple stone would have been better with some light coming through it.

    Which is more valuable?

    EDIT. It took me 20 mins to finish writing. Sorry for repeating jb7.

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