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White City

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White City

  • mr enjoi

    Albufiera, Algarve, Portugal.


    Not what I was expecting from the title.

    There isn’t really any point of interest in this for me. It looks like a holiday snap. The plant and outcrop of land in foreground distract from what you describe as the subject. Really, we are too far away, you should have been on the further headland to get closer to the city, you could have had some of the buildings on the right as foreground detail.

    All the best


    mr enjoi

    it was a holiday snap. but i did think that the foreground would lead your eyes around the image…… like around the cost line up to the city. it probably doesn’t work too well.


    I’m no expert, I suppose it does kinda lead you in but the headland sticking out on RHS isbreaking the flow of the shot as the land and buildings disappear behind it. The plant and signs in the foreground are distracting and there’s not really enough, and probably too much sky. It also looks a bit crooked, e.g. the pontoon in th ewater seems to slope down to the right. Worth thinking about the composition before you take the shot. Keep it up.


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