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Who’s on Fb????????

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Who’s on Fb????????

  • Alessia

    Noely F: yes, of course you have to pay attention (like in every other thing at the end)! I share on Fb just the info that I don’t mind if become “common knowledge” and I trust my friends enough smart to do the same ;) (I hope, at leat!)

    Jess: You’re completely right, some FB application are really stupid and useless but, all things considered, because of the reason I told before, at the end of the day I think it is more useful than useless ;) I just have to avoid nonsense request and silly tests :P


    Alan Rossiter

    Alessia wrote:

    some FB application are really stupid and useless

    Hey, I’ll have you know I got 100% at the 80’s series quiz :D . And I’ve now received 2 bottles of Coors Light and a Latté. :lol:

    Yeah, underneath all the bells and whistles it might be useful to someone. Now Twitter, well that’s a completely different animal.


    Could never disagree about avoiding quizzes that no one is forced to take or being prudent about personal information, but to be honest I was really glad I had it last night.
    My sisters home was terribly threatened by one of the California fires and I was able to talk to my sister, niece and brother in law simultaneously without having to send a bunch of texts as well as get constant photo up dates and even be able to see that their friends were ready to be there for them when they were to evacuate. Very comforting as they are, outside my immediate family, all I have left, and I am 1200 miles from them.


    Sharon, I’m sorry to hear of your family’s near miss and glad to hear they are ok. And, yes, I can imagine how comforting it must have been to make contact…


    thank you Sinead~
    and I will yet drag you kicking and screaming onto Facebook :twisted:

    looking so forward to seeing you soon…omg that sounds like something I would write on fb..I do spend too much time there :shock:

    miki g

    Sharon: I’m very sorry to hear what happened to your family and I hope that the situation will solve soon. I know what does it mean to be far from your beloved ones… it’s not easy sometimes!

    Miki: It’s not just facebook…. My husband spend almost all day in front of the computer, because of his job and because of passion and not on FB…. and he’s still alive (for now!)


    forget facebook! is where it’s at. it’s the biggest time suck on the planet (after bejeweled blitz which is <3 <3 <3)

    lamebook is a condensed version of ALL that is wrong with FB.

    but i’m still on it. purely for the bejeweled blitz. and the lexulous. and for ignoring friends who i’ve ignored for the last 10 years but i know i can get in touch with if i really had to.

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