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Wild Duck Cluster (edited version added)

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Wild Duck Cluster (edited version added)

  • miki g

    Excuse my ignorance, I opened this expecting mallards or some such; never knew this was a sky feature, which part of the sky is this in it looks a great shot.

    Wee Man

    miki g

    Hi Weeman.
    It is in the Southern part of the Milky way. It’s an open cluster which is approx 6’500 light years away, which makes it appear as a fuzzy star to the naked eye. This was a 20 minute exposure (40×30 sec) blended together. I may have gone a bit overboard with the processing, but I wanted the cluster to stand out from the background of thousands of other stars. :)


    Thanks forty exposures have you a system to keep the camera aimed at the same position?

    miki g

    I use an AstroTrac mount, which works pretty well if properly aligned & is not overloaded. It is more portable than a proper telescope mount, but it won’t support a heavy telescope / camera setup. I usually end up with a small bit of drift between shots, but I use software to correct any alignment errors. Having small differences can actually help to eliminate sensor noise & hot or dead pixels.

    miki g

    I decided to use a blend of 16 of the clearest exposures & re-processed to give a more subtle image


    That’s a lot clearer, is this just stars grouped in an area of the sky?

    Wee Man

    miki g

    Yes, it’s known as an open cluster.


    So amazing… :) :)

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