I havent been online here in a long time. But i had to come online and see what you thought about this.
I happened to get into a conversation with a great portrait photographer called John Farrar, model mayhem photographer of the year in 2010, http://www.modelmayhem.com/680246″ onclick=”window.open(this.href);return false;, he does many shots for magazines and has been listed as a top photographer with many magazines.
I just happened to mention that i would love to go to one of his workshops and he talked about organising one and he would be there. I have never done anything in regards to organising an event and wondering how much it would cost to rent a studio and if anybody here would be interested in doing a workshop with him? His maximum is 10 photographers at a time, it involves a Friday evening meet and greet and a day workshop on a Saturday – havent got into setting it up yet but wondering if there would be many takers before i start organising dates and things like that for him to come over, he is currently located in Brighton so would want definates before setting dates with him.
Anybody interested? And anybody have any tips on getting a studio and that for him? Preferably in Dublin.