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Work as a Garda Photographer

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Work as a Garda Photographer

  • Podge

    You probably won’t get a badge or a gun but you might get to wear one of those white paper suits you see the State Pathologist wearing on the news!

    Salary from ?30,400.00 To ?49,082.00

    Check it out here


    I’d like the PSNI alternative…


    The money is a bit on the low side for whats involved in it I recon.


    A formal recognised academic qualification is also a requirement. I’m guessing that rules out a lot of people here.


    I’d say there are a lot of perks like travelling expenses, daily subsistence, accomodation, flashing blue light for your car, etc. but you’d probably be on call 24/7.


    Podge wrote:

    I’d say there are a lot of perks like…flashing blue light for your car…

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Thorsten wrote:

    Podge wrote:

    I’d say there are a lot of perks like…flashing blue light for your car…

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    *looks out window and notices amazing light in the sky* I have to get down to my landscape spot real quick. I think this constitutes an emergency…. :lol:


    A photographer who was the Garda Photographer – but retired – lives here in Co Galway and after listening to his stories for a bit you would not want the job. The scenes, the smells, the millions of flies, human decay, post mortams, rats that will try to defend their “food” source, photographing a body that will expolde on to you as a result of a build up of internal gases and it has just been disturbed are all part of the job. Above all that he still says the worst is where children have been involved and mutilated.


    Yeah Gerry, I see what you mean. It all seems so glamourous and alluring on paper, until you actually gotta do what you gotta do. I remember talking to a guy I met in a phone shop in Tuam, we were waiting for the phone company to do something or other and so got talking. He let slip he used to be a firemen, I responded along the lines of ”Cool job, why did ya leave to work here” kinda thing, until he mentioned, you get kinda sick of pulling mutilated corpses outta car wrecks after the 5th or 6th time.

    That shut me up.

    These ‘cool’ jobs aren’t usually as cool as there made out. The pros do not outweigh the cons.


    Out of curiosity, do Garda photographers have to use film over digital? I remember reading a while back that using digital in speed cameras was controversial and might be unconstitutional or something like that.


    Not sure about traffic cameras although as far as I know over in Germany speed cameras have been digital for some time and transmit images back to UNIX based system for processing – so no more “empty” cameras.

    As far as scene-of-crime photography is concerned, according to an ex scene-of-crime photographer I know, up until recently they were still using film. I don’t know what the current situation is, but there’s no reason for them not to use digital. The basic checksum technology to determine if a file has been altered is tried and trusted and has been in existence for quite some time. Canon have a Data Verification Kit for use in such circumstances.


    I’m not really into portraits or poeple photography…..

    I think it could still be pretty interesting, from a technical side (not just photography). The link is blocked in work, I wonder is the job only CSI type photography or would it include shooting stuff for PR and such like.


    Brian_C wrote:

    The link is blocked in work

    Try accessing it through a proxy server. I use Ultraunblock and I can see most sites which are blocked by my employers Sonicwall content filter (the only sites I cannot access are some secure sites which won’t work through a proxy server in case the security becomes compromised by the proxy server).


    rerun wrote:

    Out of curiosity, do Garda photographers have to use film over digital? I remember reading a while back that using digital in speed cameras was controversial and might be unconstitutional or something like that.

    Experience in developing colour and black and white film is a requirement for this job according to the spec,



    Thorsten wrote:

    Brian_C wrote:

    The link is blocked in work

    Try accessing it through a proxy server. I use Ultraunblock and I can see most sites which are blocked by my employers Sonicwall content filter (the only sites I cannot access are some secure sites which won’t work through a proxy server in case the security becomes compromised by the proxy server).

    ….. use a Proxy Server…. I like having a job and getting paid each month. I’ll have a scope at this over the weekend at home. Thanks.

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