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Yet another Heron @ the zoo

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Yet another Heron @ the zoo

  • stcstc

    Went to the zoo yesterday with my son, lots of the animals were hiding or sunbathing

    But for some reason all the herons were in the penguin enclosure

    All comments good and bad will be helpful


    I hate penguin imposters :)

    Amazing detail in the feathers when you look closely.. I love looking at nature shots in black and white..

    Really really nice shot steve.. I can’t offer any advice for improvement… sorry :?




    I hate the imposters too, I wanted to shoot the peguins but the little guys were just zooming around in the water so no shots to be had so i gave up and did that one instead, what is it they say ‘if you cant beat em join em’

    I was amazed with how much detail this guy had, when I looked at the full size image i was stunned, not really sure what i did to get so much detail but not gonna complain, he he

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