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You`ve lost the pot!!

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You`ve lost the pot!!

  • DaveMurdoch

    Managed to get out on saturday for an hour or so..Very wet and windy day but some great light and clouds around in between..

    comments welcome..


    the pot seems to be lost in the rocks , oops just saw the title, i think maybe crop off the bit to the left of te cloud and make the pot more prominent


    I think that you’ve captured a beauty there…the position of the cloud over the pot is perfect, and it looks like it has its arms outstretched to reclaim the pot!
    great shot, well done.

    (no…I haven’t lost the plot!) :lol:


    redto wrote:

    the pot seems to be lost in the rocks , oops just saw the title, i think maybe crop off the bit to the left of te cloud and make the pot more prominent

    Thanks redto.. :D how much were you thinking to take of the left and i`ll look in to it??

    mwall wrote:

    Dave,I think that you’ve captured a beauty there…the position of the cloud over the pot is perfect, and it looks like it has its arms outstretched to reclaim the pot!
    great shot, well done.

    (no…I haven’t lost the plot!) :lol:

    Cheers mwall.. :D you should have seen me drag that thing all around trying to find a nice spot to set it :roll: there was a family watching wondering what the hell i was at,think thats partly what gave me the idea for the title :lol:

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