I wouldn’t change, you will be disappointed (unless you want the video option). I have a 1D mk11 and a 1D mk1V as well as a 7D and a 5Dmk1.
The only thing the 7D gets used for is I take it on holiday because it has Video.
I am not running down the 7D, it is in a different market and it stands out well in that section but up against the 1D mk11 it just doesn’t compare.
My opinion only.
You’re the man to listen to so as you can compare both :D
Cheers dude, it was the iso performance and the bigger screen that was the main draw to it, cause when Im shooting at 1/30 for panning and then realise when i get home half them are rubbish, it is disheartening…:P but looks like im gonna stick with the mkii and invest in a 100-400l instead, thanks for all the input lads…:D
Hmmmmmm I see what you mean….:P surely in every situation of handheld, IS while handheld, no matter what the mode, its gonna improve the shot
I feel I got the hang of panning and such, but I just wanna increase my “keep rate”, I go to these racing events, take over 1000 photos, come home and delete over 50-60% and in the most cases, I dont catch a crash or other incident cause of it being blurred to be-jesus to make out…:P