Sirvad thank you! ye just down the hill to the right there was a group of sheep, they have no consideration for photographers haha I went up from Carlingford town, the road was fine most of the way but near the top it was a bit rough. We saw an Audi in one of the fields :O
Thanks Jodal :)
Thanks Isabella, had to drive a bit to get to the snow myself, didn’t want to miss it before it all disappeared. The sun star was the effect of a small aperture, I’d never add something like that into the shot, I was fortunate that the sun was in the right place at the time :)
Thanks Jodal, you would not believe the colour in the sky that evening, it was amazing!! I had to reduce the saturation on the rocks and remove a greenish colour cast as well. the fact the most of them werent wet meant they didn’t reflect so much light
I recently calibrated my laptop screen using a colour monkey, massively improved the image I was seeing! I also mostly process my photos at night to reduce glare etc. altering brightness and contrast etc.
very nice shots, where were these photos taken?
Nice one, I photographed the spot for the first time this summer as well, nice conditions by the looks of it. My only issues would be the water looks a bit over done and there’s a few blown out highlights in the sky but other then that very nice shot!