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  • APMom

    Sorry, I need to figure this out. I just followed the ‘add image to post’ link. Will do it tomorrow.


    You probably won’t get the cashback from Canon with that and you can order it from the UK for the same (after the Canon Cashback) and also have a proper warranty. I was going to order mine from one of these ebay shops but then got it from Jessops for pretty much the same price, they’re doing ?10 off cameras and another 10 off memory cards some of which are already reduced when bought with a camera plus you can bring it back to Newry or Belfast if something goes wrong with it.


    I’m not sure if it’s in the guidelines but it’s safer to not have names matching with the particular kids i.e. don’t say …from left to right..names… It’s so that strangers won’t be able to go up to them and call them by name.

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