Thanks for the quick reply and price offer.
While it is an excellent lens it is still the older model so I hope I can purchase the newer version for extra money.
Thank you again and good luck with the sale.
Thanks for the detail of how you got them cos I have some close and wondered how to go about it!
Your shots are beautiful, particularly no 1.
Well done and thanks again!
I will post here if and when I get them!
Beautiful light and shadows in the 2nd image! Fantastic Capture and processing!
There is a highlight in the background under Shanyn’s left cheek, try burning it a little to put it into the background more!
Lovely Images!
I do try street shots and I learned that if you stay in one place, and even watching in one direction that you become part of the street and go unnoticed by passerby’s! It’s also nice to go to other towns as people don’t know you (well until you are famous I guess!)