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  • brianireland

    Yes the old dark room you have to keep your hand in as they say. The tea was not that bad and the rest well the long conversations with the spider who was another resident of it. Well I missed our long debates on political issues and the football. But I think that was just a chemical reaction on his part thinking he knew about football.


    i have a photograph of the harpist taken about 3 years ago glad to see she is still doing her thing and in the same place.


    I love this photograph. it cries our for captions well done great photograph


    I am only down the road from Howth. and every time I start going up the harbour it rains and its never this green or blue. but I likes them
    There is a great view to be had if you walk up to the martellow tower just up to the right of your first shot here.


    Well like yourself I have been looking into getting a new bit of kit.
    I looked at the Canon and the Nikon. But you have to give some consideration to what you are going to
    Use it for and if you will be adding lenses as you go along. Now if your camera dose not have a stabiliser built in then you shall have to buy lenses with it built in. This adds to the price of any future lenses.
    Then the price you pay is of the same importance. How much do you have to spend and what will you get for your cash.
    I myself got a price on a camera here in Ireland of 799 Euro for one make and I got a price of 556 Euro when I shopped on line. At a place called simply Electronics.
    So I would advise you to number one get a price for what ever camera you desire and then shop around.
    As any money you save is better off in your pocket and you can use it to get yourself some extras.
    So shop around is my advice to you

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