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Buzz Lightyear

  • Buzz Lightyear

    I didn’t realise our profile hadn’t been updated in yonks.

    Anyway we still meet on a Tuedsay evening at 8pm in Camden St.
    During the dark nights we have our Winter League, once a month, during which members compete against one another anonymously for the best image in digital, colour prints or monochrome prints. Feel free to join in as we cater for all skill levels from novice to advanced.

    We have guest speakers along most other weeks, which are very popular. Invited guests are asked to display a selection of their work and talk about it. We’ve had everybody from Guy Gowan to the Garda forensic team.

    Our documentary workshop group meet on a Monday evening, and always welcome new members.

    Finally our popular ‘Photography for Beginners’ course will be starting at the end of September. Places are limited to 50 per course, so book early!

    Further information can be obtained from the club website at


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