MMX Thanks a million – I work on calculations and the green channel to get my black and whites. I must remember that this works well for me in some cases but not all. In my version of the the B & W, the soldiers face is definately too dark and I would have been better off to desaturate the image and increase contrast etc or spend more time getting the channels right. Your version looks much better.
I really like the second HDR image – I think that HDR really works well here. Rather than applying HDR to the first image, I would just give it a little boost. I am a great HDR fan and believe me, I often get carried away with it.
Most images will come out flat from an SLR camera and will not always reflect the scene that you wanted to capture in the first place. Correct use of HDR will reflect the scene.
The main thing is that if you are happy with the pp in images 1 and 2, then thats all that counts.