Great shots and and what a great face !!!! You will have hours of fun with this little guy taking pics , i have 6 dogs and the best time to get good shots with mine is just as they are falling asleep its funny to see the poses they get into .
Thank you so mush for helping me to name these birds , they have taken over our garden since i put up a feeding station and we are loving every minute of it .
Took this from a window in the South Infermiry Hospital so the location was not great also the window only half opened !! and the nurses were not to pleased with what i was doing .
Saw it last year about this time , just by chance . I was parking the car on the South Mall in Cork City and he was sitting on the wall of the Bridge .
Great shot . I was having a problem with the embedding part myself but now im flying it , now all i have to do is work out how to upload an Avatar lol :roll: .
Thanks for the Advise i will try it out . He has actually taken over our garden and we have named him ‘Bubba’ :twisted: he beats the crap out of all the other birds , even our cats stay away from him lol :D