I was prepared to give them a chance to sort it at the start, I was thinking that it was a mistake by some junior marketing person.
Anyhoo, sent a registered letter telling them in no uncertain terms that they were facing both a civil and criminal liability.
gave them till today to get back to me. No response.
Talk about way to piss me off. If they had stuck a few free passes in an envelope I might leave em alone.
Im trawling the net for more info on how to persue this further. I want to chase them – not to make anything out of it, mainly because im not used to being ignored!!!!
to sell them complete ownership of the high res file for ?400
to continue using the pic in its current capacity from their on for ten free passes to the cinema.
They removed the photo from their site and have refused all contact since.
Some sort of a macro lens /extension tubes setup. that new 150mm sigma looks nice……then again there are a few in the 90-105mm range that are decent lens for reasonable money!