BTW, at the time I took these photos, I was taking a darkroom class in the Galway Arts Centre, and the boat second photo turned out to belong to one of the guys in the class
I’m a newcomer to 120 film, and the last time I tried to load the reel (in a dark bag) the emulsion stuck the film to itself because of the heat in the bag. Much cursing, shouting, gnashing teeth and sweaty pawprints!
Class! I browsed this thread after I posted and thought “aww feck… did I miss the party?” I guess not :D happy days. Now I gotta learn how this damn rolleiflex thingy works…. (Edhead holds TLR up to face like binoculars)
Cool! I got redirected here from another forum. Living in south Galway if anyones nearby, dying to take out the new old rolleiflex and give it a field test