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  • Endaoloughlin

    So your fixed on the D90, What Lenses do you recommend? I am traveling down to Africa in the summer so take it from there


    Thanks everybody, I have read all the reviews and spoke first hand to some experienced guys out there, They all recommend the D300s or the D90, personaly, I think I would like to spend the few quid extra on the camera and get the D300s. I would like to get the following lenses 18-105mm lense and a 70-300mm lense. So the question now is who is giving the best deal? And again I think it great to get such good feedback in such a short period of time. Thanks to everyone, and keep the sugestions coming.


    Thanks for the responce, I had a quick look at that camera on Pixmania, I should have said in my post above, I would like to have video option, but then again those this take away from the quality of the camera.

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