If anyone is content with these fatcats using their photos for the egotrip of having work published without payment then it is a sad day for the photographic profession.
They save €kkk by getting naive individuals to provide them with free marketing material & it is wrong.
I (along with many others) entered the competition, lured by the 20k first prize. In doing so I agreed to the T&C’s which gave them permission to use the images.
I dont consider myself to be on an ego trip, nor for that matter do I consider myself to be naive. By your logic everyone who enters the RTE weather competition (for example) is on an ego trip (and or naive)?
As it transpires, since the original post, they have used the photo in leaflets for credit cards and also in posters with the same message. I understand (not having been in an EBS office myself) that there are a number of diferent poster themes, with different photos used. They are due to be changed apparently next week with another batch of images uesd.
A point worth considering regarding the ego trip theme. Nowhere on the photo is the name of the photographer shown. However, the name of the subjetcs are…… in this case two of my kids. They are delighted with themselves and think it is a real blast to be “famous”…. that, my firend is payment enough – two happy kids.
I have to agree with Bricker on this one, seeing your face on living tv while your tucking into your pork chops is just priceless!!
I know I was dead chuffed that I got it cos I really thought I missed it since I missed the 7 other flashes before it :D
I actually took 442 shots last night and this was the only one with anything on it! I put the camera on the sport mode and I just kept my finger down on the shutter and prayed to god that I would not break the damn thing :oops:
I like to take pics of people when they are not watching, not sure what style of photography that is! Sneaky???
I would ideally love to become a wedding photographer, I got a casio elixim camera as a wedding present and I swear it just made me fall in love with taking pics, weddings are so a happy time so the thought of going to work everyday doing something that you love really appeals to me but at the same time it would be a very very hard job! I know what bridezilla’s can be like!
After a bad week in work, I checked my mail when I came home & found a mail from the EBS about the family moments competition (you remember…. 20k prize!).
Basically, they were saying “I’m delighted to let you know that we are planning to use your image you submitted in an upcoming internal advertising campaign that will be on display inside our offices.
Once the print materials are finalised I will send you on some copies so that you can have them as a keep-sake”
Naturally, I thanked them and tongue in cheek inquired if they had any spare money lying around :wink:
So why GC and not announcement? Because I am a doubting thomas and suspect they say this sort of thing to all the boys/girls…..
Anyone else get one of these?
My photo has been used on their tv adds :) (Well it’s a photo of my but my Dad took it)
How about emailing / contacting some newspapers? They might be able to give you some insight on what the process is for getting a press pass? What course did you do? I am doing a 4 week beginners course on Monday week really looking forward to it!
I was racing out of my house to get to the dual carriage behind my estate as that’s where you get the best view and I just missed the sun going down I was sick!
I have dropped the book’s name on hubby as a mother’s day present so hopefully he will get it for me!!
I would normally be the type of person who would not dream about turning on a machine without reading the manual but I am quickly finding out the working with a camera is the total opposite, you point shot then read in the manual what you should have done :D