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  • french_mike

    ok, for you and everyone, i won’t go less than 70€ ;)


    i think at something like 90€
    how much can you offer ?


    For my first post i like to desagry whith you.
    You should think at what type of lense you want to buy and look at the price of it
    Go tried different model, it may be one fitt you better than a other one
    Nikon and Canon are the most populare, and you will find more used lens but for nikon (for exemple) the D40 and 60 you will have to buy a lense with the focus “inside” and bost (nikon and canon) don’t have the vibration reduction
    Pentax have the vibration reduction in the body, very good dust remouvable, a body all weather, autofocus, 11 collimators (don’t know if it’s the rigth translation), pentaprisme ….. and fit all the used lense, and cheaper ! 8)
    So think at what you need and how much you want invest in the futur

    if somebody have a better translation for help me :wink:

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