hi gents, thanks for the feedback. appreciated as always.
I played around some more and ended up with, as you both suggested, just correcting them a touch more.
I think I am pretty happy with the result.
Peter, I haven’t tried the lens correction facility ( I am on a pretty steep learning curve at the moment and enjoying it too) so I’ll check that out this evening.
:shock: wow, them comments were more positive then I expected. This was my first attempt at some ‘advanced’ PS techniques – merging, layer masks, b+w conversions etc.
so thanks to all
Mr Lousy, you’ve a good eye indeed because thats exactly what I thought when I was actually there composing the shot – unfourtunately moving any further to the left would either have involved asking the subject to move slightly or chopping down a swathe of branches which would obscure him. In the end I took the compromise composition ( for fear of missing the shot totally). As I only had a 24-70 with me this is a crop, removing alot of branch/sky deadness from the top.
like the tones, nice exposure.
I think just a tad of a crop to take out maybe 20 – 25% of the sky and the left hand reed bank. although the tones in the sky are nice I think the image could gain a bit more power with a little less sky
would have loved to have been on the boat. looks peaceful
Thanks Paul & Paddy. You both apear to be giving pretty much the same guidlines
Paddy. I particularly appreciate your detailed advice and indeed words of caution. You mention what will NOT impress national editors and I understand the thrust of what you are saying. What i am reading into your post though is that it will not be the quality of the initial images that gets me work but the follow up and the quality of the images I subsequently send in.
The quality of these subsequent images will depend somewhat on the events I cover so what my next question for you is: Apart from reading the news and keeping up with forthcoming oppurtunities are there any resources available (online or otherwise) for identifying oppurtunities that would interest editors?
Maybe I should target PR work in conjunction with editorial in order to bankroll me through the lean periods ahead.
The question is, why did I post this in the P. Business section??
cos it’s the randomway :roll: :wink:
yup good site
I joined there a couple of months ago and I know a lad who subscribed to the actual mag. and got a rather deadly 2008 diary off them. nice.
I haven’t seen the original as I am only a newbie but I tend to agree a bit with Rob. The tree and the boat drag the eye about, it feels a touch disjointed. However, I’ld like to see it without the boat, just the tree maybe?
3 from sallins today for me to have a think about. For me it’s prob between little eden and the 2 swans.
I waited till the rain came for 2 swans to float by little eden but no joy :(
the aquaduct wasn’t as photogenic as my imagination portrayed but some other parts were nice down that way.