Dont think I’ll be getting into it in that big of a way, this is more of one of documentary and want to get an idea for styles. Cheers the books sound like a good idea library would be a good starting point.
Gavin, yes this is digital… and the headland you are referring to is The Rathlin Island, you can’t just remove it… its difficult to compose the shot without it in the background… it would have to very misty day… but I like it anyway
Yeah tis lacking alright needs point of focus it close to what I want…but still. Dont think a contrast boost will fix it, its part of larger project on Bull island I’m just starting, trying to set a mood but just cant find it yet.
Can recommend Stephen 100% hand on heart, have only had one A2 print done so far, but it was top notch and no loss of tone (30% bloody hell get that checked), as someone coming from a wet room to digital, getting prints done was always my biggest issue. (Stephen more are on the way)
Like the idea and the toning but I think you need more consistency in your shots, maybe straight on for all the shots, I know its difficult to get, but shooting early morning would help a lot as it would remove people from the shot and you wouldn’t have to worry about traffic.
The sky in both is exposed well but your lacking a point of interest in your foreground and its very underexposed which is always going to be an issue shooting that much sky, are you using a tripod when shooting.
Like the first one, I found a great way for moving away from random shots was to pick a project, flesh it out on paper, do a bit of research as to what other established photographers might have done and then work the same project for a month. At the end of the day its great ideas and a lot of work that make consistently great images.