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gd whalen

  • gd whalen

    All you really need is a white background and place some lights over and beside a clear glass aquarium or bowl.

    gd whalen

    You are saying that you want to start your own photography business while you admit that you don’t know very much about photography. How is that respecting the business. That’s like me saying I want to start a home building business this summer because I can’t find a job but I don’t know anything about building homes. Ridiculous.

    gd whalen

    Both of these shots just seem too dark to be a representation of water shots.

    gd whalen

    This is really the problem with photography today. Here is a person that admits that they know very little but the profession is so easy to just put out a shingle. LEARN. Have respect for the profession. Then start a business.

    gd whalen

    Beautiful work. Adding a border to the outside edge of the print may help to keep the viewers eyes from straying. Love the shot.


    gd whalen

    I’m not a big fan of the backgrounds for these shots. You might try to green screen the work and drop in a different background.


    gd whalen

    Very pretty. Love the subtle lighting.


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