The shot is three frames stitched. I would normally shoot in portrait format and take more frames, but for this one I just shot three in landscape format with a decent overlap.
Thanks, I can’t stop seeing the tilt in the horizon ever since I saw your comment. Tripod must have sunk a little in the sand!!
The image in a blend of a bracket of three exposures which I semi-manually blended.
Thanks JMac-2006. I shot here previously in the small graveyard within the church grounds and captured a nice long exposure black and white of the headstones and church (the shot is on my web blog). My aim on this shoot was to try and capture a wider shot of the church which sits surrounded in the middle of the wheat field to give a better feel for the setting of the ruins.
Wirepic – The second shot is actually a 3-exposure bracket which I merged in Photomatix using the fusion function. I wanted to keep it as natural as I could and keep the sene of the silhouette. However, looking at it again I do feel the foreground is a but underexposed. I think I will try pull out some more of the shadows in Lightroom. The first shot is a series of single exposures which I combined to a pano in PT GUI. I used Lightroom to recover some of the shadow detail in the field and pull back the highlights in the sky. Thanks for your comments.