Thanks for the name correction.
The camera I have is not able to take lens fittings as far as I know, what does the 715 filter do and can I live without it?
I was up in Gunn’s and asked about IR film. They don’t stock it anymore but they can process it.
She did mention a brand called Rowi but I haven’t found any yet.
I did try a roll of IR film some years ago in a Pentax camera I had. I bought the film at a shop in Dublin thinking they would process it for me, they wouldn’t as they didn’t keep the chemicals. It took me over a year to find someone with the setup to do it, and that was a private studio. I don’t have a good 35mm camera any more so I think I will look at digital option for now.
Do you process your own IR film or do you send it out, if so where?
What does the IR convertion involve? It might be worth buying a cheap digital camera and doing that to it.
I understand digital camera sensors are very senistive to UV light and therefore generally have a UV blocking filter built into it.
I tried to register with two stock photo website to sell pictures but they need you to have a company or be with one. Are companies hard to set up, how would I go about this?