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Jay King

  • Jay King

    Hi Jenny! Yes I’ve asked my now fiancée to make a decent man out of me! And she said yes :)

    I’ve found a photographer already, thanks to all who sent a message – unfortunately I can’t have everyone there!


    Jay King

    randomway wrote:

    Looks like a nice quiet spot. The composition is good but I think you were there in the wrong time of day. In my experience architecture can only be photographed in the very best light.. after sunrise for example. I like your composition but there is too much contrast and the colours are real harsh.
    All the best,

    Thanks for that Zoltan, I appreciate the feedback…

    If I can remember correctly it was actually quite sunny and bright… I must find the original to check, but I purposely upped the contrast and darkened it as I usually do. Just the way I like it :)

    Jay King

    I love the processing on this… and the mono conversion suits it well. Composition is nice too… with the distortion adding to it.

    not sure about the cars through the wnidow?

    MartinOC wrote:

    It reminds me of an Escher

    That’s exactly what I thought when I saw it!

    Jay King

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    Jay King

    Hi Sinead… well shiver me timbers! Nice collection of barnacles there! At least that’s what I think they are?!

    I’m a bit colour blind so I can’t really see the blue in the first one… but the second looks good.

    To be honest I don’t really know what a Micro lens is… is it the same as a Macro?! The Exif says F1 for the aperture… can it be changed on this lens? The first one could do with having a bit more in focus… as there’s lots to see – but on the second the dof is great, nice few fading out in the background.

    Jay King

    Lovely HDR… they seem to be popping up everywhere now! The thing is though, a lot of the time they don’t need to be HDR. In this case I think you’ll get away with it… The textures and colours are great, and the symmetry is spot on.

    The handle that is down on the pew on the left… at first I though… “aw why didn’t you put it down like the rest!?!” – but then I though maybe you did it on purpose to balance out the ‘flag’ on the right?! If so… very clever. If not… doh!

    Jay King

    Hi Eva.. welcome along – lots to see and learn here.

    Enjoy posting… but be warned it’s quite addictive ;)

    Jay King

    I like the first one :) The second one is good but the wall on the left takes away from it a bit…

    If you had all of the left leg of the 3rd cow (which is cropped out a bit) you’d have a good continuous pattern there.

    I’d say you’d lots of fun shots like this being around a farm :)

    Jay King

    The colour one for me… but maybe needs a bit more “umph” with contrast and colour!?

    I like the composition – rocks leading you out. Works for me, nice one.

    Jay King

    wow lovely work… the silhouettes of the ruins are really great. I’d love to be able to take landscape shots like that…

    Jay King

    Howdy! Welcome in… enjoy your stay :)

    Sparkling first post – looking forward to seeing more of your work!

    Jay King

    such a nice range of colours in that sky alright… and the trees are great too…

    On the roof staying or going… I’d have to say if there was more of the trees and sky I’d crop it – but it’s not so bad that it can’t stay, the angles are good :)

    Jay King

    Great first post there Dave… lovely shots. Each have their own appeals. The second one stands out for me… feels like I’m looking out a window.

    You may find that if you post single photos you’ll get more detailed critique on each one… I’d go with the ‘rule’ that 3 is the most you should post in one thread. It’s also kinder to those on a dial-up connection :)

    Jay King

    Mmmh lovely detail… lots of lines to look at :)

    I don’t think I wouldn’t have guessed it was a ‘fedder’ unless you told me!

    Jay King

    Vanessa kennedy wrote:

    Good crack doing these but pure frustrating too!

    But well worth it :)

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