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  • JonathanWizartar

    Haha, there must be a lot of people dance on that grave.


    I like the photo, the foreground works for me and if the sky was black / dark gray it could make the HFC pop a little more when viewing the picture.


    This might sound silly, but forget about what camera, it’s all about what lens.

    Once you spend your €600 or so on a camera, you’ll be looking in and around €500 for most of your other lens, so you want to make sure that as your hobby grows you can upgrade your camera without having to replace all the lens. The same is true of lens filters, but relatively speaking they’re cheap. This is the main reason it can be easy to find second hand gear.

    If you can, before spending any money, know what type of photography you want to do then you can buy the camera body (i.e. without any lens) then purchase the exact lens you need. As most kit lens while adequate, will be made obsolete by additional lens you purchase later to cater for specific types of shots. But this means you’ll spend more up front.

    I have a D60 and the kit lens is good, but for what I want a 18-200mm + a Macro lens would have been better saving about €150 which is about what I paid extra for a kit lens with VR, that said if you do get a kit make sure it comes with VR (this is image stability or stabilizing). Plus you must buy a tripod otherwise most of your pictures will look ever so slightly blurred not very notable, but you’ll notice a difference once you spend a bit of time looking at photos.


    Thanks for the info guys. Plan to try it out this weekend.


    Both are great, but the first one is awesome, well except for the 4 blue dots in the upper center.


    Lovely picture, “Dublin before the Recession”???


    Both are great, but really love the second one.


    I with Scott38886, the colours are wonderful.


    That looks like a Dinosheep, it’s a little mini-t-rex head.


    The first shot is really nice and full of atmosfear. They feel a little art-deco in the style of Metropolis.


    The 3rd image down is an incredible shot, I love planes and your shots of the Raptor are sooo sharp. What type of lens did you use?


    Interesting picture, is the original picture in colour or b/w? What pops out is the gate as the horse shoe is too dark and can only be partially seen because of the blurred white gate-bars in the background, which has a little highlight. But the peeling paint is very nice, some sharp detail. But since the horse & left side of the picture’s background is dark you can’t make it out, so it looks a little lop sided.

    I’ve changed the highlights to show you what I mean.


    I like the third one, but for me the Depth of Field is too narrow. The eye coming towards the camera is blurred plus you could have gotten more detail on the shell, but I’m nit-picking; great pictures.


    Deebo wrote:

    Its an excellent book and only did 4 chapters so far but the difference is staggering.
    Highly recommended

    Good ol’ Photoshop, I’m still back on v7. Have used the later CS versions in work, but so far haven’t seen any features worth the money to upgrade; well, since I can use it in work of free. Have done allot of Web stuff over the years so me and Photoshop are old friends.

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