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  • Kered

    :D …..I have only a thinly veiled disguise….. :D


    andy mcinroy wrote:

    In my dim and distant past I started a classic thread entitled “who needs 5×4?”. Much twisting of knickers ensued.

    A Chestnut for sure, but the wording would be the confusing part, ie, defining ‘need’

    I expect you would argue ‘need’ to be from your perspective, a digital convert printing A3

    Now from a LF user point of view, their need in not necessarily technical, it’s the process, the visualisation, the thinking, that will be enjoyment, it’s emotional and valid as either a need or want, you know that, you were just being a very naughty boy!

    Perhaps the question should be confined to digital, who needs 10,000,000 + pixels?

    Well, me for starters, clients pay me more because I can offer 31,000,000, if they start demanding 60,000,000 I have a simple choice if I can’t make them see sense, but I already told them more is better. I’m sure 9/10 clients would prefer more pixels, I’m also sure 9/10 clients have little clue what that actually means to them in practical terms. For my own personal work my 1D2 if fine, perhaps my old D60 is too, but I’m more likely to be seen with the more exotic kit just because I happen to already have it, thus I’m a gear snob by default and enjoy convincing myself the poor state of my finances is certainly outweighed by my superior ability to zoom right in to detail……. the wife on the other hand has an entirely different opinion :shock:


    Hey Mr McCaveman…..

    I did read this, quite astonishing how compacts have improved over such a short period of time.

    I have a Mamiya / Phase 1 setup, it still creams my 5D and 1D2 shots, but the laws of diminishing returns are getting to a point that will make everyone have to think, more so the vendors of the higher end gear. I don’t think currently more pixels is the answer, Phase 1, Leaf and Blad, all pushing that limit, but how big do we really want to print out………..? how much DR is really there………?

    I think the market place will amaze us all in the next few years, look at Canon, Nikon and Sony’s latest machines…….. for sure I will add a 5D2 to my kit bag next March, but what will entice me to upgrade in the future, with the current spec there is surely only sexual favours left :wink: Good times………!!



    Thanks for the welcome folks, will have a good peek around.

    My photography is varied, will see if I can find some categories to dump some pixels in some time soon!

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