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  • kjenkinson26

    Thanks for that Gerry. I don’t know for sure if he really ‘double booked’ but I am assuming he told me that so he could try and get the cash for it.
    The hard part is that I did my ‘time’ with him and while I was working for him and learning the trade I used to get a couple of hundred quid for doing full weddings, and I think he is going to try and head down that road, even though I haven’t worked for him for years!!!!


    Cheers for the reply Mark. I was thinking along those lines myself, just wanted a bit of outside advice.

    Again….many thanks.


    Hi Mark,
    he did have an agreement with them for the album and pricing and also confirmed me doing the photographs for them.


    No I didn’t as it was kind of last minute.


    I am not sure of the legal situation really, but if you have it in your T&C’s and point it out to your customers then it should be fine, but do as I do and ask them if they mind you putting up their photos( little manners go a long way), most people are cool and can be quite flattered and will say yes. :D


    By the way…I love digital and am in no way knocking it…


    This kind of cowboy work is really bad for the rest of us, and to be honest I partly blame the digital era. I had a man come into me one time a few years ago looking for a ‘good’ digital camera. I gave him the price of a Canon 1d (I think) and gave him the huge price that went with it…as it happens, I had previously sold him a Nikon f80 twin lens kit a few months previous and it was his first SLR (my timings may be off, but hold on). He told me that it didn’t matter about the cost of the Canon as he was going to ‘do’ weddings to cover the cost of the gear!!!

    Everyone in the world now is a photographer, and that is not a bad thing as it is a way of expressing yourself, but, it should be left to people who have spent the time learning from a pro and actually know what they are doing. PHOTOSHOP can’t fix everything…

    That does not excuse the pro’s either, I have seen many pro’s over edit and manipulate their pictures beyond recognition….Why not keep it simple, bring it back to the old days of correct exposure and composition. How many of new photographers could dev their own negs if they had to, never mind a good old print.

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