Thanks guys! Iceland is a great spot to go for photographers..Below is a link to a blog post I wrote about my trip there if you are interested..Well worth a visit.
Hi Johnny. That’s an option I thought of alright. Probably the least expensive setup. How do you fire the flashes? Do you use a pocket wizard or infra-red light?
Thanks for that Stew. At the moment I’m just looking for outlets for selling my landscape photos. I feel it is a good way of exposing my work outside of my website. I realize that sales from such a venture will be poor, but as they say, nothing ventured nothing gained. Hard time to make a buck!
I’m thinking of matting 9×6 prints with 1.5″ border all around. That would make the bags I’m looking at 12×9. I have no experience matting my own photos? Can anyone tell me if I should make the bottom border larger than the top and sides? If my border is 1.5″ on top and sides, should I make the bottom 2″?
I think this image is still work in progress. Originally I has it as a black & white image with all the poles in view. I’ll post some new versions of the image here soon. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the info. on the Mamiya 7 camera. I was wondering if you could give me some insight into the digitization of the negative from the 120 film. What make of scanner do you use? or do you get someone to do it for you. I m aware that a high res. scanner is pricey, so I was wondering if I could get you insight into this matter. Ultimately I would like to print large prints, in excess of 20″X30″.
The only drawback I have with this image is you there is too much sky on show. I would prefer to see more of the lower part of the trees. If you crop out the upper part of the sky you will intensify the colours in the bottom part of the composition. An easy way to visualize this is to use your hand to block out the upper part of the composition and you can see what I mean Other than that I think it is a beautiful image..Love the format too.