I agree – if there’s a bit more space to the left of the bride it would look a little bit more balanced. Personally I am not a fan of the whole desaturating elements – i think you should either go all colour or none at all. To me its a bit dated using this technique.
Another thing (and form personal experience of editing wedding photos) – Irish men have red faces by default! If you made a feathered selection around his face (and hands if needed) and added a bit more yellow so there is less magenta then his skin tone would be less harsh and in line with the bride more.
But as a shot goes – I like it. Captured the moment and light well.
You were right Miki – that’s exactly what it was! Phew – thought it was my camera so at least its something thats in my control. Looked up my photo data and for some reason I had my shutter speed set to 250 when it was supposed to be set to 125! :? So it was human error…I totally paniced when I saw it and never thought logically that it was that. I use my camera outdoors as well so its not always set up for the studio! BIG lesson learned today!
Couldn’t quite focus on the eye on the first one cos he was whipping about but did focus on the eye on the “dead” one…does it not look sharp? I thought it did? Maybe its because of the sun shining on it.
Nice crisps shots, I have another wedding coming up in September and I am freaking out again lol, really hope my shots come out as clear and crisp.
Had a wee look at your site aswell…. looking good.
Oh and it might be a bit belated but sorry to hear about the design job, I am a graphic designer aswell here in Donegal and was a bit shocked to hear.
I was quite nervous myself about how crisp these would come out as well but my D300 didn’t let me down! The only fast lens I had was a 50mm 1.8. My other lens was a 18-70mm 3.5-4.5 and it did really well. I haven’t done a wedding on my own yet…I know how you feel though! Its pretty nerve wrecking stuff :? so the best of luck with it.
The agency I was working for were originally from Belfast so they wanted to move back there so thats why I lost my job – or so I’m told! I’m pretty happy though as I was fed up with it anyway :lol: these things happen for a reason!
Yeah I love it…would need to upgrade some of my lenses now that I have it to get the most out of it but I’ll have to hold off for a while as I lost my job! Great to get out with a few local photographers though for the experience!
Thanks Andy :) I recognise it now from the paper. I didn’t venture near the cliffs as I get a funny feeling in my legs if I see the drop down to the sea…not liking heights too much! :lol: :shock: