Has anyone got a picture of the Volga with a Holga? I would pay to see a picture of Olga by the Volga with a Holga, taken with a Holga. Or in Tolga (municipality in the county of Hedmark, Norway), maybe alongside Namik Kemal Yolga (Turkish diplomat and statesman).
I would just like to point out that the results achieved in Paddy Joe’s photo greatly outweigh anything that the crap Holga can offer in terms of quality and focus. A regular Holga user myself, I am chagrined to observe that my preferred choice of equipment has been outdone by a polaroid with a salad dressing.
However, I am uploading a Holga snap on a suitably foodie theme, taken with black and white film (Using b&w film in a holga is akin to filling your petrol tank with minestrone). I like the black and white meat.
But frankly, you can achieve the same results by downloading a thumbnail of a picture of meat off the internet, photoshopping it smaller and blurrier and making it black and white.
I have to agree to some degree with Mr. JB7 here
The chap has gone for the fly tail of his tie tucked into the upper most button interval – this is acceptable when eating boiled egg, but not portaiture. This has the effect of a cumulative ripple distortion through his shirt which is reflected unsympathetically with the controlled pinstripe of the gentleman’s suit jacket. The angle and missing right arm kind of suggests that the picture is being taken by the man himself.
I have to agree to some degree with Mr. JB7 here
The chap has gone for the fly tail of his tie tucked into the upper most button interval – this is acceptable when eating boiled egg, but not portaiture. This has the effect of a cumulative ripple distortion through his shirt which is reflected unsympathetically with the controlled pinstripe of the gentleman’s suit jacket. The angle and missing right arm kind of suggests that the picture is being taken by the man himself.
Yes. No human being would erect flues in this fashion.
A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, “let us flee!”
“Let us fly!” said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue