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  • oeb

    Mark wrote:

    Good idea.

    You should probably do it on the site here, more conducive to discussion and learning…

    I would like to see discussion here about the project, but I have also invited a bunch of people from boards and they would probably want the discussions to be there, and a mate of mine is involved with a forum over in asia and will be inviting people from there.

    As an even ground what I would suggest is that as people take their photos they post them in whatever forum they want for C&C, the discussion part of flickr is a POS anyway as far as I am concerned.

    As Slang said, there would be an awful lot of photos posted for this.


    Jody wrote:

    Big Fella wrote:

    Jody wrote:

    BF, is the second PC where the pics look bad running Windows Vista?

    At this stage Jody I have viewed them on both 98, XP and Vista and its the same caper on all of them.

    Ah, that is strange. I have the same problem, but only on a Vista Machine. What I was told was that Vista can borrow RAM from your video RAM if its running hard programs (like Photoshop say), and this can cause the problem

    It is unlikely that video ram is being borrowed (The other way around maybe). If your video card does not have it’s own ram (or not enough) you might get issues, but it is unlikely to effect colour profiles.

    If this is a laptop one of the more common issues is that when the laptop is not plugged into the wall the screen will normally be dimmer (To save power) which would effect how colours are displayed.

    Adobe has a software tool for calibrating your monitor (It would not be as good as the hardware solutions mentioned earlier.)


    There is a photoshop focus guide out this month on fecking with colour etc in photoshop. So I picked that up to see if I can learn something from it.

    Thank you for all your great comments guys, I will take them all on board.


    FrankC wrote:

    stasber wrote:

    Frank – if they had to sign binding contracts with artists then they’re creating a fuss for themselves by not saying anything at all; i.e. along the lines of ‘we own the copyright because…’ or ‘due to… we require copyright’, i.e. being transparent about it. It would certainly help point an accusing finger elsewhere!

    Yes – you’re right. I intend to write to them after the festival (guess they’ll be too busy just now) and put some of the points raised here to them. Suggest anyone who feels strongly enough about it does likewise.

    Other than that – hope the weather is good for the weekend. Don’t think my camera is waterproof.

    Separately – something Rob said about writing a guide to copyright also sparked an idea. Much of the information which is available online, relates to the US or the UK (similar, but not the same as here). I wonder could a group of people (i.e. us) try to put together a reasonably definitive guide to the law and photography in Ireland.
    This could cover :

    Creative Commons licensing
    What you can and can’t photograph
    What to do if your rights have been infringed
    What your responsibilities are
    Model Releases etc.

    Apart from taking a legalistic approach, it could also give practical advice on dealing with copyright infringements etc.

    This could maybe be managed as some form of moderated Wiki ?
    Anyone any opinions on this ?

    This is a great idea, a wiki may not be the best idea. If needs be however I can put together some kind of content management system for it (I would also be happy with it being hosted here in case I fell of the earth or something)


    Rob might correct me here, but while copyright can not be transfered you can give someone an unlimited sole use licence which is similar to handing over the copyright. Copyright law is a little odd in Ireland compared to the rest of the world.


    I’ll stick with my Windows / Ubuntu dual boot thanks.


    Feels a bit odd commenting on other peoples work when I am so new to this.

    I think you had the shutter open too long here. I dislike that ‘Lead’ look slow flowing water gets when the shutter is open too long. Other than that it’s a lovely shot though.


    If you are using windows XP you dont need the software. Just plug it in and it should recognise it as an external drive (It will appear under ‘My Computer’) You can then just drag your photos to somewhere on your computer and delete them right off the card from there.

    I re-read your post and realized you are doing that already. That’s fine, mostly I find the software that comes with these things is crap anyway, and you are only going to be editing them in photoshop anyway. The only thing of interest the CD probably has is a way of converting from NEF to Jpg, but adobe has utilities for that too.


    Well, as in my demo we can make it sortable. Can also make it searchable if it comes down to it. Once the info is in a database I can do no end of stuff with it. For example
    Show only birds native to ireland
    show only birds marked as common
    show birds whose latin name starts with x

    you get the idea =)


    Your best bet for monitor calibration, especially if you want to do it properly is buy a dongle (small device) for it. There is a side by side product review on monitor calibrators in this months ‘Digital Camera’ on page 124, and an article on it the page before. The cheapest one (The best buy) will set you back 100 pounds sterling.

    Also, if you know any graphic designers they may have one you can borrow, every company I have worked for (I’m a web developer and I work with designers) has had a few knocking around.

    EDIT : The one the recomended was the ‘Pantone Huey Pro’ their website is at and it has the added advantage that it will during set intervals read the ambient light level in your room and adjust your monitor accordingly.


    Haa haa, 2 views =)

    Only had the account since sunday though.


    From what I have been reading it seems that more people actually do bracketing by taking the same shot multiple times using various shutter speeds rather than by using the bracketing option.


    Do you want me to do something with that list? IE clean it up, make it sortable, and put together some way of flagging what is and what is not already on the forum?

    There is a really really quick example here :

    That could be linked up to pull from a database, which would allow an admin to link directly to the relevant bird threads as they come up. If you want I have no trouble putting that together and sticking the PI logo up the top of it.


    I do have photoshop (Thanks work!) I just don’t really know how to use it for photo stuff (In work about all I do is crop, resize and save for web =/ )

    Thank you very much for your comments guys.

    At the moment I am using Tiny’s D50 so I don’t have any filters. I’m planning on picking up a D60 within the next month or two, so I’ll try and pick up some filters then as well.


    On that site yer man says he is from castleisland. I dropped him an email asking could I come take a look at the gear =)

    Also I googled the email address, it shows up in alot of auction sites saying it is from different parts of the world, I am nearly 100% certain it’s a scam.

    EDIT – I just heard back from them. They say they are in Amsterdam, they have an English phone number, and they want me to send them a moneygram.

    Ya right!

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