Based on the CIPA 2019 & Canon 2020 sales figure I am fairly confident that companies like Canon & Nikon may not release any more new DSLR (Reflex) models anymore before July 2020 and instead put in all their R&D money into more mirrorless camera bodies and lenses that are equal or exceed the features, capability and accuracy of DSLRs sold today.
Canon CEO also noted mirrorless camera sales aren’t significantly adding to its bottom line, but are instead significantly eating into the sales of DSLRs. If any R&D capital is going to cannibalize your money makers during your current product’s mid-cycle then you may as well just release new generation of mirrorless camera models at the end of the product cycle of your DSLRs.
Personally, I would prefer 1 more generation of DSLRs within the next 17.5 months but market forces may force the 1D X Mark II, 5D Mark IV, 5Ds / 5Ds R, 6D Mark II and 7D Mark II to be the last full frame and high end APS-C DSLR models to be developed.
Upon the recommendation of a user I have desaturated my bird as it was generating blown highlights and false colors.
The motion blur of the bird flipping the crustacean was caused by my 1/200 shutter speed. If given a chance to do it again I would increase it to 1/500.
I posted the slightly out of focus image because I felt that the subject matter of the bird eating was stronger and conveyed a compelling story.
The white-browed shama (Copsychus luzoniensis) is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae. It is endemic to the Philippines. C. l. superciliaris, the Visayan Shama, is sometimes considered a distinct species.