Em, yeah, just endless amounts of photos of fancy cars. Wow.
Nothing of interest here. The only ones that caught my eye were the fella fixing something or fiddling with some bit of a car. That in itself could have had an interesting narrative.
You should really edit your work and find the point of these. What intesting story should the rest of us be seeing? An underlying theme etc.
This falls under neither street or documentary but rather just an array of pictures of cars.
I’m not to sure what you were going for with the processing. It has a haunted, ghostly look to it. It’s like a bad poster campaign for one of those Barnardos charities. Im not sure why you would do that unless it was to fit some kind of brief?
This trend of unbelievably overly processed images are always unpleasant to look at though, and this is no exception.
John, did I say something nasty to you to be called a tosser?
All I’m saying is the photos you posted are rubbish. I could get technical about it and go into issues of composition, the sharpness, the blown out areas, the overall lack of interest that each photo holds…but they are are just in a nutshell – rubbish.
You come across as the type of guy to speak his mind. You recently felt digruntled about being ”subjected” to photos of children if I’m not mistaken. You also stressed how disappointed youd be with your children if they took photos you did’nt like at one point.
I’m just calling it as I see it pal, much like yerself. So chin up, grow up and less of the tosser talk fella, ok?
from what i can see, and its a lovely portrait by the way. theres only one problem with it, and its in the eyes. they seem to be lost due to the lighting, lack of definable catchlights as was already mentioned.
i think the b&w conversion is spot on, wouldnt shange a thing. maybe just use the dodge tool to bring up some detail in the eyes if at all possible?
other than that, there is nothing wrong with this shot.
you missed parts while doing this blurring and from the detail i can see under arm on the right hand side, you blurred out the backround quite a bit. there also seems to be something going on with the feet and pillar he is on.
i cant say i agree with doing this sort of thing. you should really work with the lens you are using by getting closer and trying different crops in order to get rid of backround distractions etc. trying to make the shot look like it was taken at 1.4 in photoshop or something doesnt really work im afraid.
honestly, 2 poorly executed shots. no story in either. whats the girl walking away from you on her own got to do with anything? how does it relate to the 1st shot? neither is sharp, and the b&w conversion is poor. bin for the 2 of these.
you said this was a shoot, was it an actual photo shoot or were you just arsing around with the camera with your sister and her fiance?
Hes not the only one not happy with the photo, or the processing of the photo. in my opinion it looks unnatural, fake, and flat. i dont like the pose either. why are her eyeballs so overly white?
also, your signature thingy, its too elaborate, big and a distraction to any photo you put up. if you cant make it classy, at least make it smaller.
in the title of the thread you wrote “critique please” so stop pissing and moaning about the critque and take it on the chin.
That last shot is supurb, the rest are avarage at best in my opinion. But that last shot – absolute cracker. Looks like a happy accident or intentional?