Thanks for your speedy reply, I took a look at this on their website and i think it is over kill for what i need, Best of luck to you with the sale.
Sorry to hear about your gear, But dont give up hope of getting it back, My D700 and 24-70mm were stolen last march, A garda told me that what catches these scumbags out is they have no idea of the value of the gear, nor have the scum who buys it, My camera was sold for 150 euro and a scanger was caught with it Ballyfermot photographing horses! So I got back in pretty much the same condition.
I seen your ad on adverts this morning and I will keep my eye out for any sign of it.
There is an in-depth discussion about this over on,Although, I wouldn’t recommend anyone to sign up or get involved in what must be one of Ireland’s most vilest sites, a magnet for every racist, bigot and nutter you can think of!