lovely shot, though the area to the right of the cow is distracting. composition could be improved if the space was in direction of the cows gaze. just a personal thing, but the shot is great, fantastic sky.
Si, I’ve been humming and hawing about the second shot. Should remove the guy or not, you’re right she does have a great face but I do like the composition of the shot besides the fact some of his face is missing. I like the way her arm sweeps across him. anyhow, how do you like the cropped version?
Thanks all, I’ve brightened up the second image I think it might be a tad bright.
Kevin, I agree with you on the eye thingy but this child doesn’t respond well to orders so I just have snap and hope. Having said that he’s very mischievous and makes for an interesting subject.
Keep the comments coming guys, I’m not altering my photos before posting as I don’t really know what I’m at.