Hi, Thanks for the offer. I’ve had a good long think about it and I’m going to hold on to the Werra. Its probably something I should pass on to my own children at some point. Best of luck in your search, hope you find another one close by.
Love the shadows, really ads depth to the image and draws the viewer in. The two children in the foreground give a nice sense of scale to the square. Nicely presented too. Did you capture the sides of the archway? Might frame the shot even better.
I dont want to waste your time with this, but I actually have a Werra 1 Olive green and in great condition. I dont use it that often, but it has sentimental value to me as it was my grandfathers camera. You can see pics of it here.
What kind of money would you be willing to spend, ballpark??
Thanks for the feedback. You might be right about the square crop alright. Its funny, I have never really been a big square cropper. I seem to think in rectangles mostly. Having said that, looking at the image now and where Jacks gaze is focused, a square crop might work better.
I guess baby bump photos are a personal thing. With two kids I can understand the emotion tie between these shots and the prospective parents. The first two are my favs.
Hi, as far as I know there is no easy way to check the amount of shutter activations on the GF1. However, I have not reset the folder numbers and they are currently at 107-0011. Folder number start at 100 and go to 999. The camera has NOT been heavily used.
As far as Nikon lenses go, there is no connection between the lens and camera. The adapter just allows you to mount the lens, there are no connections made to the body for autofocus etc. So basically you will not see aperture settings in the EXIF info and you will only have manual focus using the adapter. However, in my opinion the camera does meter accurately with the adapter.