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The Snapper

  • The Snapper

    They got quite a few more bobs then they asked for, nice result :D

    The Snapper

    Seaview wrote:

    I think you have a reasonable point tex, if people want to stay in the past and use prehistoric equipment then they should pay more. Their waste disposal rates should also be much more expensive as treating all those harmful chemicals can be quite costly.


    This argument reminds me of the whole green car thing. Building millions of new cars uses a lot more of the Earths resources then maintaining an old car and keeping it on the road.

    And you can be sure manufacturing millions and millions of Digital cameras for the hoards who think the latest model will make them a better photographer produces masses more pollutants then the small amount of Fix used in photographers darkrooms. Most of which is more then likely disposed of correctly rather then just flushed down the bog.

    With regards to the OP, I’m sure its a question about how darkroom users can save water, not about flushing waste chemistry down the toilet :roll:

    Water charges are something I don’t have to worry about, my own well and septic tank. ( And yes I do dispose of those Earth killing :lol: chemicals correctly )

    Most of the water used will be when washing prints so one possible way to save is to leave your prints in a tray of water to let most of the fix disperse naturally and then a quick rinse in a wash tray to finish. This will of course be more successful with RC but can be done with FB also.

    The Snapper

    Yeah me also :)

    They have nearly reached half way after just one day so a fine start. Hopefully the momentum won’t wain.

    The Snapper

    Would you not consider printing the black and white in a darkroom, the film shots I mean.

    The Snapper

    Interesting read.

    Can I ask a question regarding the €2000.00 insurance. Is that an average cost of insurance for a photographer or is there an extra loading for wedding photography due to the nature of it as it’s a once in a lifetime event ( hopefully :D ) and if a photographer makes a balls of it he or she can be seriously liable etc.

    The Snapper

    Now that is what you call a camera :D

    The Snapper

    Personally not something I like, I find a it a tad tacky. But each to their own etc.

    The Snapper

    Can’t offer any help but this is interesting. Not so much an online story but a copyright one for sure.” onclick=”;return false;

    The Snapper

    PhotoSligo wrote:

    It wont work. To many photographers without studio.
    Remember all new studios are open couse one reason, get grant (paid one year 80% of your rent ) spread your name, than closed it, as nobody can aford to paid rent. You have to be realy , realy good, or have a bussines on side like printing, etc . Here in Sligo there is no Studio, well not any who is paing rent:)

    If you know of a grant that will pay 80% of rent on a premises please let us all know :D

    Of course people have to be realistic when starting a venture but if they don’t think positively about it there is no hope. I think the main problem these days are quite simply too many ” photographers ” offering mediocre work. If you offer something of real quality I don’t see why you can’t make it work. The other thing is the business side which I would place just as much importance on if not more than the photographic side.

    At the end of the day what have you got to lose, a few quid and maybe a dented pride.

    Only think positive and ignore the negative, it gets you nowhere!

    Best of luck.

    The Snapper

    Hi, would a 45 CT5 suit ? I have one with a normal PC cord. In excellent condition.

    The Snapper

    I downloaded photoshop CS2 and it seems to work. I am more a film user so not familiar with photoshop etc but not all the items are highlighted in the drop down menus, is this normal or are these free as a taster etc.

    Also in the list of downloads there is creative suite 2 and further down the list Photoshop CS2, are these not the same programs ?

    I have downloaded creative suite 2 also just in case but have not run / installed it yet.

    The Snapper

    Well if it was me I would be looking for a payment for use of the image especially if it is not a free mag but a commercial concern.

    And have they apologised in any way for using the image without your permission :roll:

    The Snapper

    Did they ask your permission to use your photograph before publishing it ?

    Did you submit this image to them or did they just take it from facebook, as the reply says the mix up was due to receiving so many pictures. Sounds like someone is trying to wriggle out of it as if you didn’t submit it how could they have received it!

    The Snapper

    Would really like to see the original to see just how much has gone on.

    When it does go too far though it really should not be classed as photography, just digital imaging.

    The Snapper

    I like this, something different from the norm :) I like the way the cracked mirror disjoints the image and the out of focus area around the sink looks great with that soft grain.

    Great shot.

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