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  • thompo

    Hi there

    Have you still got the 28-70?

    Cheers Neil


    Woha!! Absolutely Stunning! every one of them!

    Ive tried many times to get something like that last shot of yours, but always end up with a blown mess or everywhere extremely dark with the beams just visible.

    Any tips?


    Hello thanks for the welcome and kind comments :)

    From what i can remember:

    1-6 were taken with a Sigma 70-200 f2.8
    7,8 with a (manual focus) Tamron 300mm f2.8
    Final 2 were using a Canon 17-85is with a 550ex 1/8-1/4 pwr

    1-3+6-8 were at farily high ISO 800-1000 to get a decent shutter speed.
    The others were at a lower ISO to allow me to drop the shutter and get a of panning blur. Think the bit of panning blur adds to sense of speed, but its not often i get a decent one lol.

    I know the shot i was trying to achieve with the flash (dark and heavily blurred background with the flash “Freezing” the car) but only got a few attempts before the stage was cancelled.
    Any tips on how to get this sort of shot if you can imagine it?

    Was a good day out unfortunately it was the only stage i made it to and managed to pack all the camera gear, spare batteries etc and forgot my coat!!!
    Got drenched in a hoodie lol! but worth it :D


    Hi there!

    Sorry not been able to get on a recent upgrade to work network blocked a load of sites. and completely forgot to check here out when i got home! :(

    I got sorted last week unfortunately! Sounds like a great deal there Pete, i ended up paying £60 for a used one.

    Thankyou for the offer and the email to remind me, but unfortunately i cant be having 2 lol. Cracking wee lens though!

    Much appreciated :D


    Cheers for that didnt realise calumet were reasonably priced!

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