Really cool shots for first model shoot, love the processing of no 1, not too fond of the expression in no 2 or the crop but for the a first model shoot and a first time model ,really well done
Thanks for all the comments guys .To be honest I prefer the first shot I find it more
engaging ,I will have to revisit the crop and see what it looks like up close as suggested
Many Thanks
cool shots Merv .for me no. 3 is the best shot .
the lighting in no 1 is too confusing if that makes sense
and no 2 I think the contrast from one side of the face to the
other is too great
Thanks for all the comments ,the lighting set up was just one large softbox with the model close to a black wall
Here is another one from the same session with slightly different ps processing
I don’t know the style your trying to copy but its a great shot with a great face . Maybe crop out the hat more c/would bring emphasis more to the face and eyes
Thanks for the comments Rob , Dave just has one of those faces :D .The strange angle is because I was sitting down playing with my sb800 trying for fill in flash .The expression and crop/composition does it for me . while the blown highlights is a bummer I think as a portrait it still works .