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  • Whammy

    Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the input :)
    As much as people say “I meant to do that” when offered constructive criticism, I actually did mean to do that haha.

    I can understand your point completely and agree. But I couldn’t force myself to bring up the brightness. I tried but went with my gut feeling :P I went with the matt look to the highlights to add a sense of gloom. The shadows are a big part to me and having the trees and skyline merge into one helps with the dominant feel of how the trees and landscape surrounded me.


    I love using out of focus effects in an artistic manner. But I’ve nearly always found that without a point of reference (something in focus) then it’s hard to establish depth in the photo.
    Even something as simple as focusing on the pavement in front of the subject (where his shadow is) but leaving him and everything else out of focus would give the eye something to latch on to while also playing with a massive about of out of focus-ness.
    Just my opinion of course :)

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